LLE Detection

Some quality GB emulators implement SGB HLE (High Level Emulation), mostly for fancy borders. In the event you want to have SGB-specific capability (for example, OBJ_TRN), you may want a fallback for emulators that do SGB HLE that won't be able to run custom SNES code.

The packets we can rely on for LLE detection include DATA_SND, DATA_TRN and JUMP. The GB can only receive data from the SNES via rP1, and even MLT_REQ can be HLE'd, so we'll send custom SNES code over and potentially jump to it.

Sending custom Player 2 inputs

  1. Send a MLT_REQ packet for 2 players
  2. Send the following patch (before inputs are sent from SNES to GB, this hook is run):
.org $808

.accu 8
.index 8

    lda #$12
    sta $006005.l

As a DATA_SND packet:

    db ($0f<<3)|1, $08,$08,$00, $07, $a9,$12,$8f,$05,$60,$00,$60
  1. A typical PollInput routine will cpl and swap the value to be $de. Or if you don't want to waste cycles having it manipulated, don't cpl Player 2's input, selecting dpad in rP1 will give $2 in its low nybble and selecting the face buttons in rP1 will give $1 in its low nybble.