
  • Firstly, you need to send the patch to allow use of OBJ_TRN as it is stubbed out in the SGB BIOS
  • Make sure to send OBJ_TRN before PCT_TRN. This will ensure the border fading in does not clear OBJ_TRNs palettes
  • You may want to prevent use of the SGB menu which will overwrite OAM tile data, and set OBJ palettes
  • The last row of tilemap will be whited out. If you have a border, cover that last row. If not, make sure your game melds well with the white (make most of your backgrounds white/have a bottom status bar/etc)
  • Use this guide to see how setting up GB tile data and tilemap for the last GB row affects your custom SNES objects

Patch: allowing use of OBJ_TRN

Uses SNES RAM from $800 to $802, and $900 to $915

    db ($0f<<3)|1, $00,$09,$00, $0b, $ad,$c2,$02,$c9,$18,$d0,$0e,$af,$db,$ff,$00
    db ($0f<<3)|1, $0b,$09,$00, $0b, $c9,$00,$f0,$03,$4c,$25,$c9,$4c,$28,$c9,$60
    db ($0f<<3)|1, $00,$08,$00, $03, $4c,$00,$09

Patch: disabling the SGB menu

Uses SNES RAM from $818 to $826

    db ($0f<<3)|1, $18,$08,$00, $0b, $c9,$03,$d0,$0a,$a9,$28,$8d,$43,$0c,$68,$68
    db ($0f<<3)|1, $23,$08,$00, $04, $4c,$f6,$ce,$60

Sending tile data for OBJ_TRN

; `DATA_TRN` to $7eb000 (OBJ tile data buffer)
    db ($10<<3)|1, $00,$b0,$7e

; `DATA_SND` 2 bytes to $0211, to update vram $a000-$afff (replace last byte with 3 to update vram $b000-$bfff)
    db ($0f<<3)|1, $11,$02,$00, $02, $01,$02

; `DATA_SND` a byte for the NMI vector to DMA the data
    db ($0f<<3)|1, $17,$02,$00, $01, $01